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마인드풀 이팅 21일 챌린지 프로그램! 본문


마인드풀 이팅 21일 챌린지 프로그램!

hyuunii 2020. 3. 6. 10:19

Mindful Eating 21days Challenge


Healthline이라고 건강 정보에 관련된 외국 사이트가 있는데 현재 여기의 뉴스레터를 구독중이다.

매일 거의 2~3개씩 뉴스레터를 보내오는데, 충분히 evidence based한 내용을 보내오지만...

보다보면 다~ 거기서 거기고...(사실 건강에 관련한 뉴스들은 어쩔 수 없이 중복된 이야기, 뻔한 이야기가 반복된다..)

별로 새로운게 없어서 진짜 확! 눈에 띄는 제목이 아니면 그냥 ‘읽음’처리를 해버리게 된다.

그러던 와중, 며칠 전에 재밌어보이는 뉴스레터를 타고 홈페이지까지 들어갔다가 Mindful Eating Challenge newsletter service를 발견했다!!

나는 ‘직관적 식사 일기’를 작성할 만큼 마인드풀 이팅에 관심이 많았는데(완전 같은 개념은 아니다.), 이를 구체적이고 체계적으로 시도할 방법은 잘 없는 듯 하여 아쉬웠었다.

그런데 이 뉴스레터는 21일동안 #마인트풀이팅챌린지 즉 그날그날 노력하고 달성할 챌린지를 메일로 보내주는 것!!

얼마나 좋아유~~~~~~ㅎ^ㅎ

관심 있는 분들은 함께 했으면 좋겠어서 글 남겨본다.


day마다 구체적인 뉴스레터 내용이 궁금하시면 댓글 달아주세요!

Day 1 : Think about each specific flavor you taste.

Day 2 : Focus on the texture of your food.

Day 3 : Eat slowly.

Day 4 : Eat your meal free from distractions.

Day 5 : Ask yourself, “Am I hungry?”

Day 6 : Notice emotions you experience while eating.

Ask yourself these questions before you start eating:

1) Does this meal surface any emotions? If yes, which ones?

2) Why do you think these emotions are coming up? (It’s OK if you don’t have a definitive answer, but try to come up with a few reasons why you might be feeling this way.)

3) Are you eating this food because you’re feeling sad, stressed, or overwhelmed?

Day 7 : Reflect on your first week.

Day 8 : Be thankful for your food.

Day 9 : Engage your sense of sight.

1) What are the components of your meal?

2) What colors do the individual parts of the meal have?

3) Do you think this meal looks good? If not, why do you think that might be?

Day 10 : Involve your sense of smell.

Day 11 : Understand your hunger triggers.

1) What happens in your environment that triggers your hunger?

2) Why do these situations stimulate hunger or food cravings?

3) What feelings do these situations evoke?

4) Think back to a time when a situation that you were in triggered hunger, cravings, or overeating. Were you actually hungry or was something else driving your desire to eat?

Day 12 : Identify positive feelings around food.

1) Is this meal surfacing any positive feelings? If so, what are they?

2) What is making you feel good? Is it the food itself, the atmosphere, or the people with whom you’re enjoying your meal?

Day 13 : Eat for at least 20 minutes

Day 14 : Use all your senses to enjoy a small bite of food.

Day 15 : Take in nature. Make the walk last at least 10 minutes — preferably longer — and appreciate the sounds, colors, and smells of your natural environment without distractions.

Day 16 : Focus on your present hunger.

Day 17 : Recognize your satisfaction cues.

Day 18 : Enjoy more of your favorite foods mindfully.

Day 19 : Notice how your food relationship has changed.

Day 20 : Practice mindful eating in social settings

Day 21 : Eat a mindful meal or snack.